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A spiritual blog of ramblings, musings, wisdom and true stories

by Jo Worsfold

Tasmanian Energy Healer, Spirit Communicator & Author

I love to write!

And I have lots to say about life, love, happiness, energy, souls, and other kooky stuff.

All photos are my own – I am bringing my passion for writing and my love of nature photography together to form this spiritual blog space. I hope you enjoy being here! And please feel free to share any posts that resonate with you.  – Jo x

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About the Author:

Hello! I’m Jo

Intuitive Energy Healer · Channel · Author

I am an Australian Energy Healer who also happens to have some very handy spiritual gifts and tricks up her sleeve…  Spirits talk to me · Other peoples’ bodies and souls talk to me · The land talks to me · I am a powerful energy healer · I experience the occasional premonition · I can delve into past lives … you get the idea!

LUMA·NOVA is where you can find practical resources to help you on your spiritual journey.