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My 4 favourite easy-read self help books for spiritual newbies

I adore reading! And I have learned so much about spirituality, spiritual practices and other esoteric subjects from books. I have also received a whole lot of healing through these books because they are so much more than just words on a page.

I love spiritual books that are an easy read, are authentic, engaging, inspiring and are not too woo. I don’t like spiritual books that use fancy technical language, that drag out for far too many chapters, or that leave you feeling inferior or incapable.

If you too are a book-worm and are keen to bury your nose in a good book about spirituality that you can learn from but that will also entertain you, this article is for you…

The Crystal Bible

This little gem (see what I did there?!) is definitely worth having on your bookshelf. Not only is it an incredible reference book for anything and everything to do with crystals, it is an entertaining read. If you are interested in crystals and gemstones and would like to know more about what they mean, their healing properties, where you can find them, and so much more, you need this book.

The Crystal Bible is for crystal-lovers who either want an accurate and reliable reference book, or who just want something really pretty and well-laid-out to browse through and be entertained by. You don’t need to be a serious crystal fanatic to be able to benefit from or even simply enjoy this beautiful book.

And the wonderful thing is, Judy Hall (the author) has written not one, but three volumes! She has also published many other books on crystals so you can pretty much guarantee you will find whatever crystal help you are looking for – whether you want to learn crystal healing, or whether you are interested in crystal gridding, and so much more – in one of Judy’s books.

Energy Speaks

This book is still to this day my absolute favourite spiritual book. Lee Harris has such an authentic way of delivering the messages he channels from his Guides – who he refers to as ‘The Zs’ – and it’s always so heart-felt and inspiring.

If you want a book that addresses a wide range of topics including abundance, family peace, successful relationships, and much more and does so by getting straight to the point in an easy-to-understand way, this book is for you. The guidance and support you receive from Energy Speaks is easy to apply to your life, and it really does give you a different perspective and also brings so much clarity to how you can live your best life.

The Zs don’t mince their words, yet they are not arrogant – they offer firm, clear messages (through Lee) that are delivered with so much love that you can actually feel their intentions seeping out of the pages towards you.

Just from reading the book, without even applying any of the principles or suggestions woven throughout, I received such a beautiful healing on so many layers. I also had countless ‘a-ha!’ moments as well. It is an incredible book that is worth reading, if you are interested in Spirit Guides and channelling and messages from the other side.

Equilibrium, Spirituality for Everyday People

I’d be crazy to not include my own book in this list! I wrote Equilibrium in 2019 and it is the culmination of many years’ worth of asking questions, trying new things, failing at some things, succeeding at others, and doing some deep diving into spirituality.

The one thing that was abundantly clear to me when I first started my own spiritual journey, was the lack of easy to read and, even more importantly, easy to understand spiritual self-help books. So I wrote my own! That is how Equilibrium, Spirituality for Everyday People came to be.

This book is a one-stop-shop for the spiritual newbie who wants to dip their toes in spirituality. If you are looking for a book to introduce you to spiritual concepts such as meditation, energy medicine, massage, miracles, intuition and more, this book is for you. This book also includes loads of practical exercises and diys that you can do for yourself to enhance your life and to see how spirituality can work for you.

I also share my own journey with you, from the premonitions I used to have when I was younger, to embarking on my own healing journey when training as a Reiki Practitioner and eventually a Master-Teacher, to now helping, healing & teaching others to tap into their own healing gifts and to embrace their inner-hippy!

This book is not overly woo, and instead gives you a well-rounded and down-to-earth glimpse into spirituality. My aim when writing Equilibrium was to write a book that inspired people to give spirituality in any capacity a try – this book is designed to help you realise that spirituality can be used to enhance your life in whatever way works best for you.

Opening to Channel

This is the latest spiritual book that I have added to my collection and it’s a cracker! I was first inclined to recommend this for people who are more experienced or advanced with their spiritual practices, but I’ve got Spirit on my shoulder as I type this saying, “No, that’s not accurate.” So, on that note, I’m going to hand this over to Spirit for a moment…

Spirit says, “This book is for anyone who is curious enough or who is ready to channel, regardless of prior experience.”

So, there you go! You’ve heard it first here, from Spirit.

Perhaps the reason why I was tempted to say it’s for more experienced people, is because I personally had some extremely deep and powerful experiences while reading it. So deep, in fact, that it took me weeks afterwards to integrate all the healing that had taken place while reading Opening to Channel.

So what can this book do for you? It will take you step by step through the craft of channelling. It is a guidebook intended to help you connect with your Spirit Guides, your higher self or other Spirit Beings.

Quick side story: It was the exercises and activities in this book that allowed me to open up fully and connect with my Spirit Guide Gabrielle! I used to run a regular segment in my newsletter where readers could ask Gab questions, and it was hugely popular. It might be time (after an extensive break from publishing the newsletter) to reinstate this. Subscribe today, to stay in the loop.

So there you have it! Those are my four all-time favourite spiritual books and I have read them all many times over. Sometimes, I just like to fan through the pages and let the book fall open to a ‘random’ page (which, of course, is never random! Because I always need to hear what is written on the page.) These books are all a quick, but really great read, and I’m certain your life will be all the better for reading any one of them!

What is your favourite spiritual book? Please share it with me in the comments below!

Jo x

Written by Jo Worsfold

Jo is a channel, healer, spiritual guide and author with a passion for helping women turn their midlife rut into a healthy spiritual awakening. Jo is passionate about making spirituality accessible and relatable to everyone.

13 May, 2021



Energy Healing · Journeying · Guidance

Step Out of Your Midlife Rut & Into Your Spiritual Awakening

Stellar Journeys are channelled weekly audio sessions delivered straight to your inbox, helping you to reset, recharge, reconnect to (and TRUST!) your intuition. This is how you experience a healthy spiritual awakening and live a soulful, meaningful life, for real.

“I feel like I’ve had a spiritual awakening!” – Ellie

profile image of Jo Worsfold, Tasmanian energy healer and channel

About Jo Worsfold

Jo Worsfold is a channel, healer, spiritual guide & author based in Tasmania and is available worldwide. Jo is the owner of LUMA·NOVA and author of Equilibrium: Spirituality for Everyday People and her passion is healing and inspiring everyday women in an ethical, professional and authentic way.

For ten years Jo has been helping women break free from the midlife rut, so they can reset, recharge, reconnect to their higher self and live a joyful, meaningful and soulful life using channelled energy healing, journeying and guidance from Spirit.

The Midlife Energetic Selfcare E-Book

Empower yourself! Learn how to ground, cleanse, strengthen and protect yourself energetically with this free e-book filled with tips and techniques that actually work.



  1. Isabel

    My favourite spiritual book is A Course in Miracles, which I’ve been studying for about 17 years and still know that I’ve got so much more to learn. I recommend Marianne Williamson’s book A Return to Love as it introduces the concepts of A Course in Miracles in an easy to understand way.

    I will always keep Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life on my shelf.

    Shakti Gawain’s book Living in the Light was an important introduction to spirituality for me back in the early 90s.

    In terms of explanation the nature of the world I love Serge Kahili King’s book Urban Shaman.

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    You have mentioned very interesting details! ps nice site.


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