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Group Zoom Sessions · Private Sessions · Local Events · and a Self-Help Book!

Hello! I’m Jo

Energy Healer · Channel · Intuitive · Tasmanian

I am an Australian Energy Healer who also happens to have some very handy spiritual gifts and tricks up her sleeve…  I am an experienced channeller of many things (souls, bodies, plants, the land, Spirit and more) · I am a powerful intuitive energy healer · I have and use all psychic senses (clair-audience, -voyance, -sentience, -cognizance, -tangency, -alience) · I experience vivid premonitions · I can delve into past lives … you get the idea!

LUMA·NOVA is where you can find practical resources to help you on your spiritual journey.


These online group sessions are deeply relaxing and restorative – receive weekly meditation, energy healing and channelled guidance. (No cameras! Audio only)


An eclectic mix of intuitive healing, spirit communications, elder energy, planetary energy, crystals, plant medicine, and whatever else intuitively comes to and through Jo.


A spiritual self-help book, effortlessly blending spirituality with the everyday. This book will captivate you with its fresh perspective on how to live your best life as an intuitive, connected and truly happy you. No tricky lingo, guaranteed.

"I look forward to Jo's healing and meditation sessions, which I credit to a happier and healthier version of myself."

Emma, RN & Mum – Age: 33

"In the past I have rarely felt anything during a Reiki session but with Jo it is COMPLETELY different!"

Jane, Florist – Age: 54

"To say WOW was an understatement, Jo has totally changed not only my day but also my life."

Wendy, Teacher & Mum – Age: 47

What’s happening on the LUMA·NOVA socials:

Explore LUMA·NOVA on YouTube:

Free Meditation: Reduce your anxiety

Receive a free meditation to help you reduce your anxiety, fast.
The Butterfly Effect guided meditation is channelled (not scripted) and is infused with powerful energy healing.
I hope you enjoy the experience!