It’s Time…
To Catch Your Breath, and Heal

Hello! I’m Jo
Channel · Healer · Spiritual Guide · Tasmanian
Spirituality isn’t about ‘hippie’ cliches… It’s about living an authentic, intuitive, meaningful life and it’s for everyone.
Hi! I’m Jo Worsfold and for 10 years now, I have been helping everyday women to easily and naturally step out of the monotony of midlife so they can explore their spiritual side in a happy, healthy way.
I will help you to reconnect with (and TRUST!) your intuition, energetically reset, and recharge so you can live a happy (for real!), authentic, soulful and meaningful life.
Just imagine… being able to think straight, and having enough energy to get through your day (and then some!), AND having a deeper understanding of your body, your emotions and your intuition.
Imagine experiencing life in full HD colour! This is what will happen when you embrace and explore your most authentic, soulful self – in a healthy, organic way.
You will heal, for real.
The Healing Is Real…
Jo’s Mission
To heal and inspire everyday women in an ethical, professional and authentic way, because every woman has the right to enjoy a meaningful, healthful life filled with the magic and wonder of spiritual experiences.

The Energetic Self-Care E-Book
Empower yourself! Learn how to ground, cleanse, strengthen and protect yourself energetically with this free e-book filled with tips and techniques that actually work.