Reiki · intuitive healing · channelled guidance 

Hi! I’m Jo Worsfold, Tasmanian Energy Healer and Channel. Despite everything life has thrown at me I am (most of the time!) living a very happy, healthy and fulfilled life and now I am helping others do the same.

Now it’s your turn! Browse through this page for information on my group distance healing sessions, and to join the monthly subscription.

I can’t WAIT to work with you on your spiritual journey!


Subscribe today to join the LUMA·NOVA monthly group distance energy healing and spiritual guidance sessions.

No lock in contract; cancel any time.

Accessible and affordable. Only $5AU per month.



I use whatever I am intuitively drawn to at the time, including crystals, oracle cards, plants / herbs.

Spirit helpers and higher beings always assist me with these sessions.

Automatic writing (a form of channelling) is used to transcribe each session and is shared to all subscribers afterwards.



This session really resonated with me, and I have noted some improvement!

Emma, TAS

Registered Nurse & Mum, age 33

Today is the first time in about 8 weeks where I have truly laughed and am feeling on the up. And what you have written is how I have been feeling. You are one very gifted soul.

Jen, TAS

Access Bars + Energetic Facelift Practitioner & Teacher Assistant, age 54

Massive results! I feel like something deep was released. And your notes have given me so much to think about and integrate with. Bless you for facilitating, and thank you Spirit for guiding.

Tanya, TAS

Medical Receptionist, age 55


These sessions are intended as holistic energetic support for mind, body and soul wellness.

Participants’ feedback includes feeling lighter, happier, calmer, sleeping better, less stressed, less aches and pains, heightened intuition, enhanced spiritual experiences, and much more.

Some people are in it for the physical, mental and spiritual benefits. And some people are in it for the insightful channelled guidance from Spirit.  


LUMA·NOVA Monthly group distance healing sessions


Are these monthly sessions at set dates and times?

These sessions are not pre-planned and subscribers aren’t pre-advised when a session is about to take place. That’s the beauty of energy healing – you can receive exactly what you need as you go about your day! You don’t need to know when, and you don’t need to be resting to receive maximum benefits. Many people love not knowing when the healing is taking place – they prefer to read the notes, then think back on their day to reflect on the synchronicities between what they have unknowingly felt or experienced vs what came through with the healing.

However, if you would prefer to carve out some time for yourself to feel into the healing as it is happening for you, you can do this! Intention is everything. Simply set an intention for the healing to occur for you after each monthly transcription is emailed. You can then relax for an hour, receiving the healing, whenever you are ready post-email, and then read the notes afterwards. Remember, energy healing is not restricted or confined by time or space. If your intention is to tune in and receive the healing after the notes have been emailed, at a time that works for you, then this will be so.


Will this subscription cure me / solve all my problems?

If you are looking for a quick fix for whatever problem / illness / dysfunction you are working through, this subscription isn’t for you. The LUMA·NOVA subscription is intended as an aid for overall spiritual wellness. Yes, you can heal yourself (to whatever capacity is meant for you for your highest good and greatest joy). You can also achieve a happy, healthy, fulfilled life but you have to be prepared to put the work in! You must also be open to learning the lessons along the way, because there will be many.

Do I need any prior experience in spiritual practices?

Zero experience necessary! 

Regardless of whether you are already deeply entrenched in your spiritual journey, or you are at the very beginning of your journey, this subscription can help you.

The only requirement is a little bit of faith in yourself and your ability to heal on all levels (mind, body and soul). If you feel excited to experience these group distance healing sessions, and hopeful for a positive outcome, you are in the right place. 


I’ve had a bumpy ride, with some very serious and some not-so-serious health issues. I’ve had a near-death experience. I’ve experienced post-natal depression and I have a love-hate relationship with anxiety. I’m an overthinker, and an overachiever. I put my foot in my mouth, regularly. I’m a wife, I’m a mum. I have a big heart and big emotions. I care deeply about everyone and everything! So, in other words I’m just an ordinary everyday Aussie navigating life. But I also have some pretty spekky spiritual gifts up my sleeve, and it is because of these gifts and my openness to spirituality (in a way that works for me) that my life is pretty damn amazing. Now, it’s your turn. Let me help you tap into that inner hippy of yours and see how you can weave some magic into your everyday life. x