Based in Tasmania, available worldwide…

Have you had it up to the eyeballs with feeling flat, tired, cranky, restless, unhappy, or all of the above?

Trouble sleeping? Relationship troubles? Career / money problems? Health issues?

You are not alone.

In this fast-paced life we all lead, our own self care and self worth can (and often does) take a nose-dive and can leave us feeling crappy… But life doesn’t have to be this way!

An energy healing may be exactly what you need to pick you up and get you and your life back on track.

Through tuning into your soul energy Jo is able to provide you with a powerful and effective distance healing experience, and to communicate with your mind body soul, with your Spirit Guides and other Higher Beings and Helpers to channel messages and guidance.

Jo uses an eclectic mix of Reiki, intuitive healing, spirit communications, elder energy, planetary energy, crystals, plant medicine, and/or whatever else intuitively comes to her and through her.

Think of a healing session with Jo as an opportunity to:

  • discover more about yourself
  • bring you to a higher level of soul consciousness
  • bring you to a greater level of peace and happiness
  • unlock the truest version of YOU!

Client feedback!


"Jo is down to earth, gifted, accurate, and has genuine access to another realm (you don't need to understand her gift to benefit from it!)."

Claire, Nurse & Naturopath – Age: 43

"There is no doubt that Jo has saved me from needing corrective surgery. She has achieved amazing results."

Tanya, Medical Receptionist – Age: 55

"Jo's healings have instigated massive changes in my work, my love-life and my personal spaces. "

Karen, Coach & Counsellor – Age: 64

"Your healing left me feeling oh so light, calm and fresh. Everything from your notes is so fascinating and all so relevant to me."

Pauline, Retired – Age: 72

Keen for a distance session?
It includes…

Healing options

Distance healings are done at a mutually agreeable date and time, including after hours, ensuring these sessions are accessible for you, no matter where in the world you are.

Detailed notes from your session

Jo immerses herself in automatic writing during every distance healing.

One hour of relaxation & rest

From the comfort of your own home.

A healing experience like no other

Intuitively channelled energy healing, especially for you.

Spiritual guidance

Receive messages from the other side, to help you navigate life.

Cost: AU$155 (payable in full to confirm booking)

If you are a new client, please complete the below form and Jo will be in touch to book your distance session:

If you are a returning client, please purchase your session below and Jo will be in touch to book your healing:

Please note your time zone, preferred days & approx times

Disclaimer: Jo Worsfold is not a medical practitioner and does not provide medical advice. Any advice or guidance provided is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. Energy healing is a complementary modality that is safe and non-invasive for adults and children alike.