Thank you for your purchase.

Jo will contact you within 24 hours, to confirm your booking. Here’s what to do next…


Keep an eye on your email inbox

I will be in touch very soon, to discuss the logistics of your healing and answer any questions you may have.

Join my private Facebook group

My exclusive, invite-only Facebook group is a great place to ask questions and get advice from me as well as other spiritually-minded everyday people – Click here to join the Facebook group (it’s FREE)

Set some intentions

It can be helpful to pause and set an intention for your upcoming healing. This can be anything from “May this healing be for my highest good and greatest joy,” to “I am open to receiving healing for my xyz ailment / problem.”

Be as lengthy or as brief as you like! Just be intuitive with your words, while trusting that you are about to embark on an incredible healing experience.