Be Inspired & Encouraged

How To Step Out of The Midlife Monotony and Into Your Most Authentic, Soulful Self (In a Healthy, Organic Way!)

Juggling all the things all the time is exhausting.

In fact you’ve been so busy raising a family, working on your career, and being there for everyone else over the last couple of decades, you aren’t even sure who you are anymore or what lights you up inside.

If this sounds familiar, hang in there because there is a way you can break free from the monotony of midlife and live a genuinely happy, meaningful and soulful life. There is a way you can explore your soulful side in a safe, authentic, fun way!

But first, let’s have a look at the catalyst of your current soulful curiosities…

Introducing, The ‘Crash and Burn’

As women, we are innate nurturers. We are helpers. We care deeply (sometimes too deeply!) about people, and the state of the world, and about what we’re cooking for dinner tomorrow night.

When you are an expert juggler, stuck on the treadmill of life and churning through the days / weeks / months, with added pressures and stress, it is very easy for your mind to kick into overdrive. Your mind has stepped up, full of certainty and self-assurance, to help you navigate the grind and this does actually work for a while because it keeps things ticking along – so you tell yourself it’s fine, you can push through, and you’ll do something special for yourself on the weekend to relax and unwind.

But more weeks roll by and you still haven’t taken that break you now desperately need. You’re still pushing out the tasks, your mind now feels a bit manic, and your body starts to feel fatigued… then, crash.

You feel disconnected. You feel lost. You feel unfulfilled.

You’re smack bang in the thick of midlife, and You. Are. Done.

Breathe. Grab a cuppa. Because I’m now going to share with you how to turn your current midlife ‘meh’ into the start of a really beautiful, authentic spiritual journey, so you can thrive as an empowered, joyful, intuitive woman.

Secret Ingredient #1: Intuition

First things first – you’ve lost touch with (or perhaps you don’t yet trust!) your intuition. That inner knowing inside you that provides you with inklings of right and wrong, good and bad.

If you were to think back over past situations, you’d likely realise that you did in fact have a hunch here and there. But you either brushed it off as your imagination, or you knew it was your intuition but you weren’t brave enough (or too busy!) to trust it.

Intuition is one of the first things to take a hit when life gets messy. But it’s also that one thing that you need when life gets messy.

So one of the quickest and easiest ways to reconnect to your intuition – to your higher self – is to get away from the noise of suburbia and immerse yourself in nature.

Mother Nature is one of our greatest healers and teachers. She will help you remember how to self-soothe. She will help you remember how to regulate your emotions and quieten your mind. She will help anchor your soul in your body and reignite your intuition.

And there are so many other ways to strengthen your intuition – energy healing is by far my favourite, but I recommend doing your own research to explore ways to strengthen your intuition that feel right for you.

Stronger and clearer intuition is one of the most common benefits that my 1:1 clients and my Stellar Journey tribe reportedly experience, so I also recommend seeking the help of an expert you trust if you’re really feeling stuck and disconnected.

Next, you need to play with your intuition. It’s like any skill or muscle – as the saying goes, “Use it, or lose it”.

The more you experiment and play with your intuition, the stronger it becomes, and then when it really matters (eg when life throws a curve ball at you) you will be better able to navigate your way through with less stress and in a shorter time frame because your intuition is strong, it is guiding you, and you are trusting it more.

Your intuition is a direct line to your soul, so when you are actively working with your intuition you are also actively engaging with yourself on a soul level – and this is a game changer!

Secret Ingredient #2: Signs & Synchronicities

The second important aspect of exploring your spiritual side in a healthy, authentic way are the signs and synchronicities presenting themselves to you.

You might be seeing angel numbers a lot lately (eg 1111 or 2222 etc).

You might be noticing a reoccurring theme or topic that’s popping up in conversations, in articles online, and in your socials.

Are you seeing a lot of a particular animal, or colour, or song lately?

These are all signs!

The Universe and your higher self can only do so much (eg send you the signs), but it’s your job to acknowledge these subtle (or not so subtle!) communications and do something with it.

At first, you might not know what it means – and that’s ok!

Sometimes these things come along just to let you know that you’re on the right track and to keep going. So if you’re ever not sure, take it as a sign you’re heading in the right direction.

Sometimes, these things come along to bring your attention to a recurring thought or inner-knowing that you are having, so see if there are any patterns to what you are thinking about or feeling into when a sign or syncronicity appears.

Start acknowledging the signs and synchronicities as they occur, and you’ll likely start to see more of them.

Think of them as breadcrumbs, leading you along.

Follow the breadcrumbs – trust them! – and you’ll walk straight into the most wonderful spiritual journey.

Your Everyday Spiritual Self

Life sends you these ‘ruts’ to get your attention.

And you likely already know this!

Perhaps you’re eating cleaner, dabbling in meditation to quieten your mind, exercising, and generally taking a more holistic and natural approach to living. But you still feel stuck. You still feel like something’s missing.

Your midlife rut is letting you know it’s time to discover your spiritual self. For real.

Did you know, spirituality can be whatever you want it to be?

So many women make the mistake of associating spirituality with generic, spiritual stereotypes (you know the ones: all sunshines and rainbows, and cheesecloth skirts – which of course are all amazing if that’s your vibe). If this is what you think being spiritual means, and you’re therefore avoiding leaning into your spiritual side because it gives you the ick, you are doing yourself a huge disservice.

Being spiritual, means being connected.

It is having a faith – and I’m not referring to the religious kind.

There is a whole other world out there, waiting for you to lean in with a curious and open heart.

There are an abundance of tools and resources available to help you explore your spiritual side – everything from energy healing and spiritual healing, to yoga, herbalism, meditation, crystals, Tarot and oracle card systems, there are millions of books on all types of spiritual topics, and there are many other resources ready and waiting for you to explore.

Some resources are once-off experiences with long-lasting impacts (just like my private 1:1 sessions) that are stepping stones which present themselves throughout your journey, and some – like my weekly Stellar Journey sessions – are an ongoing support system for those first couple of years (and beyond, if you want it!) offering you trustworthy, consistent, authentic healing and support so you never feel lost, stuck or alone as you navigate the initial stage of your journey.

Spirituality is a big term, and it encompasses many different beliefs, practices, modalities and mindsets. However – in its most basic form – it is an engagement with (or at the very least an awareness of) other souls and spirits around us, and of the energetic dimensions and realms we all coexist in. It is an understanding that we are all connected, as energetic beings in an energetic universe, and that this lifetime you are in right now is just part of your overall soul journey.

The best way to discover your spiritual side – in an enjoyable and fulfilling way – is to follow your intuition and the signs and syncronicities around you. Trust that you’re feeling drawn to something for a good reason, and then playfully explore!

Absolutely learn from others and play with techniques and tools, but you must remember to never dis-empower yourself by leaning too heavily on anyone or anything else. Always take on what resonates and leave anything else.

Your intuition is your greatest superpower. Work on strengthening it, and then learn to trust it.

Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities all around you because they are guiding you!

You are here for a reason. You do have a purpose.

If you can allow your midlife monotony to be the catalyst for some big life changes, including the start of exploring your spiritual side, you will not just survive this life stage you are in – you will absolutely thrive.

What signs and synchronicities have you noticed around you lately? What is your intuition telling you right now? Let’s talk about it below!

Huge love, Jo x

Written by Jo Worsfold

I'm just an everyday nature/music/cocktails/art-loving woman with an unparalled healing gift. 💡Shining a light on #everydayspirituality for Australian women.

6 Oct, 2024



Energy Healing · Journeying · Guidance

Step Into Your Most Authentic, Spiritual Self

Stellar Journeys are channelled weekly audio sessions delivered straight to your inbox, helping you to reset, recharge, reconnect to (and TRUST!) your intuition. This is how you explore a healthy spiritual journey and live a soulful, meaningful life, for real.

“I feel like I’ve had a spiritual awakening!” – Ellie

profile image of Jo Worsfold, Tasmanian energy healer and channel

About Jo Worsfold

Jo Worsfold is a channel, healer, spiritual guide & author – based in Tasmania and available worldwide. Jo is the founder of LUMA·NOVA and author of Equilibrium: Spirituality for Everyday People and her passion is healing and inspiring everyday women in an ethical, professional and authentic way.

For ten years Jo has been using her unparalleled healing gift and down-to-earth nature to help women step away from the monotony of life so they can reset, recharge, reconnect to their higher self and live a genuinely joyful, meaningful and soulful life.

The Energetic Selfcare E-Book

Empower yourself! Learn how to ground, cleanse, strengthen and protect yourself energetically with this free e-book filled with tips and techniques that actually work.



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