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More Than a Name


The Journey From ‘Reiki Star’, To LUMA·NOVA

In 2015, Reiki Star came to be.

I was a Reiki level 2 student who just wanted to heal herself.

I was a 30-something-year-old mother, wife, sister, daughter, and friend who had also lost herself.

I wanted more from life. I craved deeper connections, more meaningful experiences, I wanted my black and white life to become high definition colour.

My chronic physical ailments were the catalyst; forcing me to keep going – to keep trying to find a way to heal myself. I found Reiki, and everything changed.

Practicing Reiki on myself every single day turned out to be the dedicated and heart-centred practice I needed to help lift me from my own midlife rut.

profile image of Jo Worsfold, Tasmanian channel, healer and spiritual guide

“My chronic physical ailments were the catalyst”

Reiki gave me something to trust in. Like, really properly trust. It was dependable, effective and it was interesting! There was never a dull moment during my self-healing sessions.

I was having the most magical experiences during my self-healing Reiki sessions, and one of those experiences was my star.

My star was visiting me during most self-healing sessions, and it was getting stronger and clearer each time.

I’ve never seen anything like it…

My star is a pulsating, white mass of light and it is spectacular.

It makes me feel such a deep sense of peace and calm. It makes me feel like I am home.

I became so comfortable and familiar with my star, and it became such a strong symbol of healing and hope and love for me, that I wanted to honour it in some way.

I was starting to do healings for others by this stage, and I wanted to start a business so I could help as many people as I could manage. I named my new business after my star.

And that is how Reiki Star was born.

profile image of Jo Worsfold, Tasmanian energy healer and channel

I was never able to predict or foresee when my star would make an appearance during a healing session – it would just appear organically, without any intervention or intention from me.

My star and I became equals, with a mutual respect and understanding of how each other is working (healing). We are the best team!

My star has instigated so many miracles, and so much magic that I can’t even begin to put into words.

My star was glowing brightly when I healed myself quickly and easily of ulcerative colitis.

My star was glowing brightly when I healed myself (overnight!) of life-threatening sepsis.

My star was glowing brightly when I communicated with Spirit on returning my deceased dad’s wedding ring to mum, after she had lost it in a public place. (It was found many months later and returned to her.)

My star has done many things that I can’t comprehend, and it just keeps on going.

I believed for many years that my star was a representation or manifestation of Reiki.

But I began to realise that whenever I saw my star, it meant an extra special healing was unfolding. Even more special and more powerful than the incredible healing from the Reiki symbols I was working with.

It was not Reiki – it was something else entirely.

My channelling gift was starting to make appearances in healing sessions and it was developing rapidly. I also had Spirit giving me the nudge to rebrand my business.

Never one to shy away from an opportunity of growth, I dedicated many hours to re-imagining and channelling insight into how my business would like to show up in the world.

“…even more special and more powerful than the Reiki symbols”

I can remember, as clearly as if it were yesterday, laying on my loungeroom floor in a filthy mood and complaining loudly to my family because I couldn’t come up with a new business name.

You see, these moments of transition in life aren’t meant to be easy. The whole point to transition and change is to get uncomfortable! And, boy, was I uncomfortable and I was letting everyone know about it.

It was in that moment of total defeat and frustration that the name came to me.

One second, I was on the verge of hot angry tears laying spreadeagled on the floor.

The next second, I felt myself leave my body for a millisecond – and when I dropped back into my body, the words ‘luma’ and ‘nova’ dropped into my consciousness.

My Approach and Values

LUMA: Derived from the latin word ‘lumen’, which means LIGHT.


NOVA: An astronomical event that causes the sudden appearance of a bright new STAR.


I had to look these words up!

And as soon as I saw their meaning, which just added to the already-palpable energy I was feeling from the words, I knew I had my new business name.

It was the evolution of Reiki Star.

It was that powerful moment of stepping out of the old, and into the new.

It was me, stepping into my own gift and my own power, as I respectfully left Reiki behind.

LUMA·NOVA was catapulted into the world.

The energy of me as a channel, a healer, and a spiritual guide and the energy of my star, are now truly aligned.

profile image of Jo Worsfold, Tasmanian channel, healer and spiritual guide

“…that powerful moment of stepping out of the old and into the new.”

My star continues to make spontaneous appearances both during my self-healing sessions and my healing sessions for clients.

We’re still getting to know each other – even after all these years – and I know there is much more to come from my work with and my connection to my star.

But for now, I’m happy to let it pop in whenever it needs, working its incredible and often-miraculous magic on me and my clients.

My star is my most powerful Healing Helper (I now channel all sorts of healing helpers during both my 1:1 sessions and my Stellar Journeys).

LUMA·NOVA is so much more than a business name – it is my star energy, guiding me and assisting me as needed. It is my authentic connection to Source Energy, to the Universe, to all that is.

Here’s cheers to seeing what the future holds for me and my star!

Huge love, Jo x

Jillian ReidJillian Reid
03:33 24 Sep 24
Absolutely wonderful experience. The best session ever. Highly recommend.
Tamika LingerTamika Linger
10:46 23 Sep 24
I absolutely loved this event and can't wait for Jo's next one! This day really helped me to feel more confident about my own abilities. Jo is so open, compassionate and helpful. I found the group channelling session really powerful for me. I became quite emotional and Jo helped me to breathe through this. My hope is that this was me finally releasing something that has been holding me back and keeping me stuck.I felt quite emotional the rest of the day but have definitely felt a shift over the the next 24hrs.I am keen to do some 1:1 sessions with Jo also, I feel very comfortable with her and can't recommend her highly enough. She has such a special soul. Thanks so much Jo.
Toni-Lee FaulknerToni-Lee Faulkner
09:33 04 Jul 24
Jo is an amazing, gentle soul. Her one on one healing is magical!! I have felt refreshed leaving and lighter every time.If anyone is thinking about booking a visit… just do it!! You would have wished you done it sooner.Thank you Jo. You are the bomb!! 💕🧘‍♀️
Karen CunninghamKaren Cunningham
02:35 15 Jun 24
My Florist LauncestonMy Florist Launceston
02:35 15 Jun 24
Vicki HancockVicki Hancock
22:11 25 May 24
I reconnected with Jo and the one on one session + online meditation & replay were amazing.Exactly what I needed to clear my mind & calm by body.Thank youI can highly recommend- very intuitive and peaceful experience 🌸
Dana ShearerDana Shearer
21:47 07 Apr 24
I had an amazing healing session with Jo at Luma Nova , I felt incredibly comfortable, safe and calm while receiving an amazing healing experience. Jo has a beautiful and uplifting energy making me feel supported throughout the whole session. Highly recommend and will definitely be back . D
Simon PageSimon Page
00:32 17 Mar 24
Jo's healing session was very special and the location was perfect as we were connected to Mother Nature throughout the morning. I experienced a great sense of feeling balanced, centred and connected. it was wonderful to witness other people receiving their healing. Jo is totally authentic, says it as it is without all of the woo woo and fluff. Jo is a Healer and she is doing what she been called to do. I will continue to support and experience her unique gift.Simon